Monday, July 23, 2007

How to realize your wish?!

Hi, everyone!
"Wish come true" international company propose to your absoutely free realization of your material (financial) wishes.Want to recieve a inhertance? Waiting for highly paid work? Or may be you have own bussines and waiting a long time for great deal( contract)? Want to go to cruise over world? Recieve expensive car to present? Or other things? All your financial needings and wishes may to be in your imagination and also can be realize in life by our company. Someone say, its miracle or magic, someone say its mathematic formula, but this is not important. Principal is that, what you not pay nothing in advance!What you need to do for try this?Its very simple and easy. All what you need its to write here next details: Your name and email and of course please with your wish(naturally not need to wish bacame sovereign of world or live 1 thousand years. Its not material and financial things and we don"t realize this) and if your wish become true in next two month from date of posting, you will pay to "wish come true" international company in accordance with our condition (look in text under) or if you not pay for your realized wish then your soul over to our company in full our orders))In this moment, when your wish will be realized (if not pass two month from day of sending your wish to us) you need yo write here post with confirm of realization your wish and then we will send to your email account for payment your money for this. Now, lets over to the conditions of payment:for realized wish you pay 5% (percent) of his cost, for example, if you recieved car as present, which you wish and he costs 10 000 (ten thousand) US dollars, you pay for us 500 $( dollars US) Its for cars, houses, jewerly, watches and other expensive things. If its highly paid work, you will pany your 25 % from month income; if its great deal( contract) your will pay 5 % of your own income or if its inheritance you will pay also 5 % from him.After we will recieving your money, we automatically send to your back email with confirm, what your soul in your orders. In case, if your wish not become true by pass two month your soul not will be take in pawn by us and then we will not need any payment from you.Remember, all your financial wishes- our realization! We will do everything (not crime and illegal of course), but all possible to hel your in your needings.Waiting for your letters and wishes.Administration of company" Wish come true international'
Manager Roma NIK